A beautiful Sunday morning in a lush green and wooded part of Cubbon Park. Languid and graceful, the trees welcomed us, having waited for a while for us to find time amidst our busy lives. Vaishnavi beautifully and gently led us through various experiences that culminated in the deep, moving and beautiful experience of connecting with a tree- there was no need for words and so much was said in that space. In an age where I feel all of us need to remind ourselves that we are just one thread in the tapestry of life on earth, this is an experience I heartily recommend.
Every Sunday we sleep in. Today, I decided to trek my way to The Sanjay Gandhi National Park to journey with my senses into trees, wilderness, mandalas and a kickass forest naturalist… WOWEDD!! VAISHNAVI was truly beautiful a soul and guided a union that spoke so graciously and authentically… #NatureWanderer #FreeSpirit #GorgeousNewness #RejuvenatedRawness #SundayUnforgettable #HuggingWhispers #AloneAlignment
Because of #LeadLikeAGirl fellowship, I got to experience the remarkable Forest Bathing at Cubbon Park, Bangalore. Around 20 girls walked through the park and connected with nature. Personally, I cannot explain what getting into forest does to our mind and perspective. As I listened to the wisdom of the trees, I continuously got a message to explore more and more without hesitation and as we accomplished ahead, we should not feel comfortable and hence, we should go more deeper. Interestingly, I found water, soil and tiny sapling in one of the part of the tree itself. The tree treated me as a family and close ones. Overall, the experience was charming and thought-provoking. One must experience it.